
5 Best Uses Of Your Time For Social Media To Get Online Reviews

Get The Most Out of Your Social Media Strategy  

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past decade or so, then you know how important social media has become in today’s world. From Instagram to Snapchat, and Facebook to Google+, our social media accounts are pretty much inseparable from our personal and professional lives.

But what’s that? How can you get spa or gym reviews if they don’t have a Facebook for Business account? You’ve never even thought twice about launching an Instagram account? Well then, things have got to change if you want your facility to be successful in the 21st digital century.

Social media has been growing as one of the most relevant marketing platforms for companies in order to get online reviews of all stars and stripes. It’s one of the most effective ways to reach out to everyone, but especially the younger generation. The Millennials and those that are younger have grown up with social media as an integral part of their lives. Frankly, they couldn’t imagine life without it!

And those young people are going to increasingly be the main clientele that you need to grow your spa or gym revenue. So, make sure to get on-board the social media train before it leaves without you!

However, there’s a lot more to social media than just getting an account and starting to post. There are important factors to get online reviews and take into consideration that we provide in more detail down below. time hours

#1.  Find out the best and most effective channels for you

There are many ways to get online reviews on social media, but it’s important to know how to spend your time on social media platforms to get reviews. You don’t want to waste any of your time on a social media strategy that’s not going to work for your particular gym or spa. After all, time equals money!

That’s why our first tip has to do with the exact social media channels you’re going to use to promote your services. When you’re just starting to build your company’s social presence, you might think that you need to be on every single network out there. But that’s definitely the wrong way of going about things if you want to find success.

Remember that it’s never good to spread yourself too thin. It’s much better to focus on the methods that will bring in the most customers that add to your bottom line.  

Think long and hard about your market and do some research on what channels they’re likely to be found on. Maybe for spa reviews its Facebook and for gym reviews its Instagram.

#2.  Time is everything in the social media world

One of the most important parts of having social media accounts for your business is understanding the best times to post content. And this is going to vary from business to business, depending on your customer base and where your primary audience is located. Plus, it’s going to change based on which social media platform you’re using.

For example, for Facebook, the best times to post are generally 1 PM, 3 PM, or 9 AM. The best times for Twitter are at noon, 5-6 PM, and at 3 PM. Do your own research on this, taking into account your own customers and you’ll see a lot more effectiveness of your social media postings.

#3.  Consistency is key

One of the biggest rules of the social media world that you need to learn if you want to bring new people through your doors is that consistency is key. You need to be posting high-quality content for your audience to devour every day. That means establishing a consistent routine for yourself or your marketing department in terms of when to post, what kind of content to post, what days to post on, etc.

#4.  Don’t do everything manually when there are plenty of tools available

We all want to make our work lives easier, right? Well, this is certainly true in the world of social media marketing. You don’t want to do all of this posting and analysis by hand – that’s super inefficient and isn’t going to be very productive. Try out online tools like Hootsuite and Summify to help you schedule posts on all of your social media platforms. If your main network is Instagram, try out mobile apps like Planoly and Later to schedule your posts. When you use these tools, you will be able to keep all of your social media networks organized and put out quality content on a regular basis.

#5.  Go mobile and it’s going to help you out loads

Time is money and there’s no other business realm where that’s truer than with social media. If you restrict all of your social media strategies to desktops and laptops, then you’re wasting your time. Manage your relevant social media outlets on your smartphone and you’ll be spending your time a whole lot more efficiently. For example, you can pop over to Facebook and check that notification on your gym’s page. Or you can log onto Instagram and reply to some comments on your spa’s account. This is a much better way of going about things than waiting until you’re on your laptop to check up on social media.

Now it’s time to ramp up your social media activity and engage with those customers

 But hold on. What happens when you do get customers through social media? What do you do then to keep them coming back for more and give you some good online reviews? This is where WaveReview comes in.

Email is the best way to make sure you get 5-star reviews of your gym or spa. WaveReview gives you the automated email system and templates to get more customers to write reviews. Organic high star reviews will come flooding in with the help of WaveReview.

[Start your 30 day free trial of WaveReview here]
With WaveReview and these tips on your side, your business is going to succeed like never before.

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