Repeat Clients for Spa Business

Turn New Guests into Repeat Clients for Spa Business

Repeat clients for spa business are critical for the success of any spa businesses. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to note that retaining customers is less costly than attracting new customers. With repeat customers, you don’t have to spend money on advertising your spa business. Here are statistics to illustrate this better.

  • Getting a new customer cost between six, to seven times more than retaining an existing customer.
  • New customers will spend an average of $24.50 on eCommerce while repeat customers will spend up to $52.50 on average.
  • You are 5% to 20% more likely to sell to a new prospect. The likelihood of selling to an existing customer, on the other hand, is between 60% and 70%.
  • Reducing customer defection by 5% can boost profits by between 5% and 95%
  • A 2% customer retention increase is equivalent to a 10% reduction in costs

It’s worth noting that customers may not always return to your spa regularly. This is especially true if the spa is located in a resort or hotel where customers stop by while on vacation. Still, the facility strives to acquire repeat clients and your spa is critical in actualizing this.
While such facilities won’t get regular customers, chances are they will come back the next time they’re staying at the facility. Let’s discuss some of the strategies you can adopt to turn new guests into repeat customers in your spa business.
Repeat Clients for Spa Business

Offer an Impressive Customer Experience

Customer experience is a critical factor that can make or break your spa business. Whatever you do, ensure your customer experience is impressive. In today’s overly competitive business realm, there are numerous spas that customers can choose from. You have to be unique to stand out from your competitors and attract more customers.
With a unique and satisfactory experience, your customers will be delighted to come back. Your spa should strive to offer exceptional services from the time customers walk through the door to the time they leave. There are various ways of maximizing customer experience as seen below.

·         Offer a Personalized Experience

Recent studies established that up to 71% of customers expressed their discouragement from receiving impersonal services. 44% of customers, on the other hand, were certain that getting personalized services would convince them to become repeat customers.
Customers will always feel valued from knowing that spa owners and their staffs care for their specific needs. When customers feel valued, they also value your spa. Not only will they become repeat customers, but they will also refer their friends and family. Customizing services to meet customer needs plays a huge role in retaining them.

·         Know Your Customers

Take time to learn your new guest as much as possible. In today’s digital era, your spa can adopt management software customized according to the services you offer. Today, it’s becoming increasingly important to have a visitor intake platform. This helps you gather as much information about your new customers as you can.
What’s more, you should strive to engage the guest to gain more information. Take notes and try to memorize your customer’s details. This way, when they come back you’ll have all the information at your fingertips.
Assuming you have various branches of your spa, ensure that you can share information through your software in all branches. This will ensure that guests don’t have to go through the entire process should they visit a different branch.

·         Make Follow up

Make Follow up

Email marketing is still one of the most successful customer retention strategies. Make follow up regularly after serving a guest to find out how they feel about the services. You want to keep your mail as short and precise as possible. Give them some tips related to the service they received at the spa.
For instance, if the guest received a facial, remind them to stay out of the sun. Guests who received a massage should know the importance of taking sufficient amounts of water. Avoid selling a different service to your guests immediately they leave the spa. Give them some time to relax before you can do a follow-up.

·         Ask For Feedback

Ask For Feedback
The best time to ask for feedback is immediately after serving the guest. In many cases, guests may not inform you if they have a poor experience at your spa. However, they will not come back. As a spa entrepreneur, you strive to ensure that your existing customers, as well as your guests, get a satisfactory experience.
The best way to know whether or not a guest enjoyed a service is to ask them about it. You can do so by forwarding them a customer satisfaction inquiry immediately after treatment. Ensure your spa management software features this capability. You may want to incorporate an incentive within the survey that can bring the guest back to the spa. This could be an opportunity to win a prize, a gift, or even a redeemable discount code.

·         Reward Customer Feedback

Giving incentives for feedback is an excellent strategy that can work effectively. This will help you understand where you need to improve. Further, it’s a great way of letting your guests know that you value them. Gifts and loyalty points are ideal incentives. Remember, communication is key for this strategy to succeed.
Let your customers know about your programs, and how they can benefit from them. Listen to your customers keenly to understand their needs. This will come in handy to help you establish the best applications and incentives that work best for your customers. Here are various ways of rewarding customer feedback.

·         Loyalty programs

Loyalty programs

This is a program whereby guests receive a reward for returning to the spa. Do you have a loyalty program for your spa? If you don’t you may want to create one immediately. Give free services such as facials, massages, and other treatments. You could also choose gifts that can encourage your guests to bring a friend along.
You could eve personalized loyalty programs. For instance, you can have a point-oriented program where customers with a certain amount of points can earn a personalized gift. Incorporate creativity to achieve more success with this strategy. Research within your competitors and establish what they offer. Think about how you can come up with a better program that helps you stand out among your competitors.
Remember, loyalty programs are an excellent method of getting repeat customers. However, you need to execute it right to get the best results. When done wrong, loyalty programs can cost you money and time and end up giving your brand a bad reputation. Before opting for loyalty programs you want to research extensively to find out what works and what doesn’t.

·         Promotions

Gift cards and spa coupons are another great way of encouraging guests to come back to your spa. These can work better than discounts because discounting often reduces the demand for luxury services. Promotions, however, ad more value to customer experience. Offering a series of treatments, for instance, can encourage guests to come back often.
Choose special moments to reward customers with customized services. For instance, you can do something special for your loyal customers during mother’s day or international women’s day. You could devise a mother-daughter promotion to let your customers know that you value and appreciate them.

·         Memberships

There are various membership program types you can consider introducing in your spa. These include; a service-based system, a discount system, and an unlimited system. To benefit from these programs, customers will need to pay a monthly fee.
Classify your subscription services to include monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions. Provide appropriate rewards for each category. Memberships are an excellent way of getting repeat customers. Further, they can be a source of a steady income.


Tackle customer complaints immediately. Assuming customers express their frustrations at your spa during a survey, what can you do to make them feel valued? Go the extra mile to offer free services, gifts, and discounts. Take time to discuss their situation with them. Further, assure them that you’re doing everything to prevent a repeat of the same.

Make Booking Easy to get Repeat clients for spa business

In today’s fast-paced world, you need an active online platform for your business where customers can access fast services. For instance, your customers should be able to place bookings easily and seamlessly. Your online platform should allow your potential customers to; sign in to their accounts and reschedule or re-book an appointment without canceling it. This is an excellent way of enhancing the customer’s booking experience. Further, this helps you add on to your existing customer data. This data is essential and helps you customize your services to meet customer needs.


There is stiff competition in the spa and beauty industry today. If you own a spa, you want to scale and stay ahead of your competitors. The best way to do so is by offering both your guests and existing customers memorable services. With these tips, you will easily convert your guests into repeat customers while retaining your existing ones. The more customers keep coming to your spa, the more productive and profitable it shall be.

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