

Top New Spa Treatment 2022 Trends to Watch

When it comes to the latest spa treatments, they’re influenced by the modern stressful lifestyle. In 2022, the spa industry is set to reach new heights of growth. With more and more people opting for healthier lifestyles, spa centers all … Read More

Google My Business Post Size

Google My Business Post Image Size- Optimization Guide (2022)

Google My Business is an exceptional digital marketing platform offered by Google that you can use to boost your local SEO (search engine optimization) visibility and reach. The best thing about Google My Business, or GMB, is that it’s free. … Read More

Effects of Coronavirus on the Beauty Industry

Understand Long Term Effects of Coronavirus on the Beauty Industry

The world today is struggling to fight a virus pandemic. It’s no doubt that there will be long term effects of Coronavirus on the beauty industry. Covid-19 has changed consumer behaviour in terms of their priorities, shopping and spending habits, … Read More

Spa Industry Is Dealing With Coronavirus

How the Spa Industry Is Dealing With Coronavirus

The current global outbreak of the Coronavirus is threatening the gains many spa businesses have accumulated over the years. Spas are now having to close down. Owners are now grappling with measures of dealing with coronavirus in their business. WHO … Read More

Tips to Protect Your Salon from Coronavirus

Interacting with customers is an important part of the salon business. It’s impossible to offer beauty services and massages without touching them physically. Amid the rapid spread of CoronaVirus, it’s no doubt that you’re worried about how to protect your salon … Read More

Improve Your Music Schools Online Reviews

How to Improve Your Music Schools Online Reviews 

As the world of business becomes overly competitive for different types of businesses, having a robust online reputation and presence can play a big role in propelling your business ahead of your competitors and attracting new customers. It’s no doubt … Read More


How to create a social business with a purpose w/ Rob Hendrickson

[powerpress] Rob Hendrickson is full of amazing stories and profound realizations – all about how to live a more fulfilling life with your family, work and everything else. Rob was a rodeo cowboy, turned ad agency owner, turned veterinary supplement … Read More


How to move from freelancing to passion project w/ Brian Casel

Brian Casel was a freelancer who didn’t want to keep working for clients. He wanted to create products and build businesses that allowed him to pursue what he was passionate about. That led him to found two productized website business … Read More