Marketing Strategies

Spa Digital Marketing

How to use Spa Digital Marketing to Boost Your Business

Digital marketing is a fast-evolving marketing strategy that spa businesses can leverage to interact with existing clients and attract new ones. While digital advertising has been around for some time now, many business owners struggle to master it. If you … Read More

Tips to Improve Beauty Salon Business by Upselling and Cross-selling

Are you considering venturing in the salon business? If yes, understand that the salon industry is becoming overly competitive across the world. You need to differentiate yourself from your competitors to improve beauty salon business. In this post we shall … Read More

Repeat Clients for Spa Business

Turn New Guests into Repeat Clients for Spa Business

Repeat clients for spa business are critical for the success of any spa businesses. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to note that retaining customers is less costly than attracting new customers. With repeat customers, you don’t have to spend money … Read More

Effectively do Spa Social Media Marketing

How to Effectively do Spa Social Media Marketing

Spa social media marketing is an excellent way to interact with your existing and potential customers. You can use different platforms to; spread awareness about your spa services, and developing brand loyalty by defining why your spa is unique. The … Read More


How to take on the impossible w/ Travis Steffen

Travis comes from a competitive background as a professional MMA fighter and poker player. We dive back into those stories and it really brings clarity to his business strategies and perspectives on life. (taking on the impossible) He has a … Read More

john cawrse affiliate marketing

Using affiliate marketing to craft a lifestyle w/ John Cawrse

John Cawrse is the co-owner of Salt Revolution, an online company selling high-quality salt that started with about 95% of their sales using affiliate marketing. The reason that number is so high is that John Cawrse knows his business; affiliate … Read More

Direct Response Mail Marketing with Carl Mattiola

Direct Response Mail Marketing w/ Carl Mattiola

[powerpress] Carl’s doing what he loves. He’s passionate about helping physical therapist better manage and market their businesses. He’s on the forefront of management with his software, clinic metrics, helping physical therapists to know their business vitals and crush their … Read More

Ezra Firestone Smart Marketer

Smart marketing for Amazon products with leading podcaster Ezra Firestone

[powerpress] Ezra is a fantastic online marketer and really a master in a variety of topics. From Amazon to podcasting he has great stories and examples to share. We talk about some of the projects he’s working on and the … Read More

How To Get Testimonials

How To Get Testimonials

How to get testimonials is a process that required paying attention to quite a lot of details. In a very short definition, a testimonial can be described as a recorded or a written statement in favor of your level of … Read More

Ineffective Internet Marketing Strategies