online reviews

How to Remove Negative Reviews from Google

How to Remove Negative Reviews from Google

Are you wondering how to remove negative reviews from Google? There is no known technique for removing them from prime review platforms such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, or Google. However, this does not mean you cannot manage bad reviews. Read on … Read More

Manage Your Online Reputation

It is Important to Manage Your Online Reputation

It is important to manage your online reputation as an individual or business regardless of your industry. In today’s digital era, individuals and organizations develop their first impression online. If a single nasty opinion, negative comment, or bad news story … Read More

Yelp Vs Google

Yelp Vs Google Reviews- Best Business Review Platform (2021)

A comprehensive yelp vs Google reviews comparison is a must for business because you can choose to focus on one that is more impactful to you. How does Google Reviews compare to yelp as a business review platform? Both platforms … Read More

Google Review Embed

Google Review Embed: Adding Reviews on Your Website and why they are Important

Leverage the Google review embed feature to increase your numbers and ensure buyers have sufficient information to help them make decisions. Why do you need to Google review embed? Today, many people rely on online reviews before making any purchasing … Read More

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Using Your Reviews to Increase Your Marketing Exposure

Customer reviews form an integral part of the business. Many businesses are leveraging on reviews to enhance their marketing exposure. Let’s find out why you should leverage reviews for your business success. We will also find out how you can … Read More

Top Marketing Tips for Your Music School

Top Marketing Tips for Your Music School

The music school industry is becoming overly competitive every day. If you are an aspiring musician, songwriter, practicing musician, music teacher, or even a music school entrepreneur, you need to adopt robust marketing practices if your music school is to … Read More

increase music school students

101 on Music Schools and Tips on How to Increase Music School Students

Do you run a music school? Perhaps you’re a professional music instructor tasked with teaching students as well as attracting new ones in the institution. What strategies do you use to increase music school students? Today, many people are realizing … Read More

Incentivize Your Spa Clients to Leave Reviews

How to Incentivize Your Spa Clients to Leave Reviews

What is the impact of online reviews for your spa business and can they help you succeed? Studies suggest that online customer reviews are fast becoming an integral part of every business. With the increasing popularity and use of the … Read More

Improve Your Music Schools Online Reviews

How to Improve Your Music Schools Online Reviews 

As the world of business becomes overly competitive for different types of businesses, having a robust online reputation and presence can play a big role in propelling your business ahead of your competitors and attracting new customers. It’s no doubt … Read More


5 Best Uses Of Your Time For Social Media To Get Online Reviews

Get The Most Out of Your Social Media Strategy   If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past decade or so, then you know how important social media has become in today’s world. From Instagram to Snapchat, … Read More